Unconventional NCAA Bracket Contest ~ BitterSweetLife

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Unconventional NCAA Bracket Contest

If you're looking for something a little different in the way of pick 'em competition, check out the NCAA bracket contest at the Las Vegas Review Journal. You can enter at any time before or during the tournament, and can only pick a round at a time. In other words, you may be down, but you're never out. Some number-crunching lets you assess your accuracy precisely--which is fun, if you're planning on to win. ;-)

Still looking for help with your bracket predictions? Take a look at my NCAA Bracket Picks series, starting with round one.

Like what you read? Don't forget to bookmark this post or subscribe to the feed.


John B. said...

This Vegas thing is like a bracket pool version of Texas Hold 'em, isn't it? I understand its appeal, but there's something vaguely unsporting about it.

Ah, well.

As you note in an earlier post, blogging about March Madness is one way to increase one's traffic, but I've discovered that a second-best way is to comment and leave a link to a post on a blog blogging about March Madness--so thanks for that, Ariel and visitors.

Speaking of which . . . here are my Elite 8 and Final 4 picks.


Culture. Photos. Life's nagging questions. - BitterSweetLife