As BitterSweetLife exploded into the blogosphere, I quickly realized that there was a gaping vacuum to be filled. Where were the blogs catering to that uber cool niche group, basketball players who love theology? Or, to put it differently, theologians who love hoops and smack talk?
I soon discovered that there was no such blog, and you can imagine my feelings. Disbelief. Shock. Chagrin and Outrage. But I quickly realized there was something I could do to help. That's right.
Welcome to the Hoops splash page of BitterSweetLife, the only blog in existence that unabashedly embraces the complimentary disciplines of Basketball & Theology. An ancient African wise man used to relate how he caught glimpses of Saint Augustine lacing up his high tops before trips to inner-city Hippo. We may not have Augustine's killer cross-over, but surely he's worthy of our emulation.
Here are a few select posts to help you explore BitterSweetLife's passionate relationship with basketball, the sport of theologians.
Hoop Dreams
My all-time favorite hoops post.
A Place Where I Can Hoop
One of my slice-of-life basketball posts.
The Blog Lands a Shoe Deal
No kidding. Adidas, if you must know.
God Sends Darrell Arthur to the Jayhawks
A representative sample of my KU Jayhawks basketball coverage.
Metaphysics & Basketball
I outline some of the intriguing parallels between life and hoops.
Do Your Trashtalking Out Loud
A quick primer on how to spit out solid smack talk.
Here's a list of my most recent Basketball posts (dynamically updated).
Finally, here is the searchable index of all my hoops-related posts. Now go kick it on your local court, either before or after reading The Confessions.
Sunday, September 17, 2006
Hoops & Theology, You Dig?
Posted by
1:49 PM
An ancient African wise man used to relate how he caught glimpses of Saint Augustine lacing up his high tops before trips to inner-city Hippo. We may not have Augustine's killer cross-over, but surely he's worthy of our emulation.
As you probably know, the proper transcription of the name of Augustine's home town is a matter of some contention; some argue that it's more properly rendered "Hoopo."
Sorry--I'll go away now.
As the season approaches, I want you to know I intend to hack into your blog and post Mizzou totems.
So, when bowling and theology go together, you have holy rollers. What do you have with hoops and Theology? Holy dribblers?
As you probably know, the proper transcription of the name of Augustine's home town is a matter of some contention...
I guess I'm in no position to argue this. ;)
"As the season approaches, I want you to know I intend to hack into your blog and post Mizzou totems."
Sherman, I regard your bluster with the same esteem with which I regard your team. ;)
"What do you have with hoops and Theology?"
Really, this is too easy. I think "holy hoopstas" is the phrase you're looking for. ;)
I think I just completed my first three-;) comment ever...a dubious accomplishment to be sure. Basketball brings out the smirk in me.
I should also note that I eagerly link outside posts involving hoops & theology. (I've linked Sherman's C.S. Lewis + basketball work in the past, despite his suspect hoops pedigree.)
Just give me a heads up...
Hey bro, I share your love for the complementary disciplines of hoops and theology. I post much more on theology than hoops though. I will mark your blog as a favorite.
Thanks, Blake! Good to hear from someone else who has his life in balance. ;) I'll take a look at your blog.
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