Mark Driscoll & Mars Hill: 10 Year Mark ~ BitterSweetLife

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Mark Driscoll & Mars Hill: 10 Year Mark

I seem to have fallen into the habit of posting Mark Driscoll updates and links, so here's the latest, a Driscoll piece where he reflects on the last decade of life at Mars Hill Church in Seattle:

We're not a perfect people and this is not a perfect church led by perfect men. But we worship the perfect Jesus and He promises to make everything perfect in its time. These seasons are the means by which He sanctifies us to be more like Him if we lean into them with gladness and trust that God is loving and works out all things for our good and His glory.

Driscoll comments on the flack he's been taking lately, and the current challenges facing him and his fellow leaders at Mars Hill. I'm looking forward to hearing this guy speak in just over a week at the Desiring God conference.

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