There are a lot of posts on this blog. Even I am surprised at how they keep appearing. People sometimes ask me how I write all this stuff, and I say, "Well, mostly I just make it up."
"Oh. Really?"
This is not strictly true, though. Apart from the hours I spend in copious research, reflection, and, of course, prayer, there is one other factor...
Espresso, java, joe, they are this blog's board members, and it seems only right to acknowledge their generosity and sound counsel with a few of BitterSweetLife's more important Coffee posts:
Coffee with God
Could I really meet God at the cafe?
Grace Like Coffee and Sleep
I pick up on some of Espresso's latent potential for spiritual metaphors.
A Sip in Time Saves Mind
From time to time, friends have surprised me by giving me gourmet coffee beans. (This is a trend I would like to encourage.)
Mo & Abram's Cafe
A poem based on the stories of Moses, Abraham, and espresso.
Extra Security to Stop Me
How hard could it be to palm some a steaming hot mocha and get away?
As a reader service, here are the blog's latest posts on the topic (dynamically updated).
Finally, here's a searchable index of all posts involving coffee. Enjoy the buzz.
Friday, September 15, 2006
Powered by Coffee
Posted by
2:01 PM
Coffee gives us a lot of opportunities. For my business mind I've found there great coffee franchises idea, so now I have my coffee business:) Not bad, don't you think so?;)
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