Gaming the System ~ BitterSweetLife

Friday, March 28, 2008

Gaming the System

Sometimes men need just a little incentive to be men, which is why we told Aidan that when he uses the bathroom, he can have a dot. Our potty-for-dots program has really taken off, but I've started to wonder about its potential for manipulation. Like, if Aidan pees four times in 45 minutes, is he exploiting a loophole in the program? Is our system being scammed?

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Anonymous said...

Dots? We did one M&M per potty break.

Of course...the potty breaks lasted over an hour...

...I'd rather take the 4 times in 45 minutes than 1 time in an hour and fifteen...

kris said...

we did M&Ms too...get a book, you'll be spending some serious bball watching time in the bathroom as he figures out the power of the pot (ie, keeping parents mystified as you sit/stand for hours on end!). Good luck

Alaina said...

You're totally being scammed - as are we. :) It's an endless cycle of bribery but the parents will eventually win. My Goal: both boys will be independent, potty-trained kids by at least 12...I don't think that's too much to ask. :)


Culture. Photos. Life's nagging questions. - BitterSweetLife