Rationale Behind Clover Coffee ~ BitterSweetLife

Thursday, March 06, 2008

Rationale Behind Clover Coffee

When people talk about the Clover coffee machine, they typically focus on its $11000 price tag but fail to understand the rationale behind the precisely calibrated brewing machine. Understandable, in my opinion, but it misses the point. The Clover exists because of specific developments in the coffee industry. Espresso News and Reviews explains:

A new brewer doesn’t change how we think about coffee. In fact, the only reason the Clover brewer exists is because the coffee itself is getting better; the nuanced flavors and aromas these higher-grade coffees produce won’t otherwise be lost on a precision machine like the Clover. But considering the origins of the beans and the roasting styles applied to them, not every coffee makes sense in a Clover — just as not every coffee makes sense as an espresso. A good microscope and a good telescope may both require precision optics to effectively refract light, but I wouldn’t use the same device to examine both the heavens and the structure of cells.

If you have the opportunity, try a cup of Clover coffee. Especially with a Cup of Excellence brew. You'll notice the difference.

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