Seeing the Stories ~ BitterSweetLife

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Seeing the Stories

At Blog Meridian, John wrote a great post about seeing and reflecting on the strands of life-narrative that surround us, if we only notice.

The sense I have is that, like the contents of rooms not my own, these objects are there for a reason and thus invite speculation, the construction of narratives that cannot help but be mine, seeing as I so far know about these things only what I see.

This is a great creative piece and I love John's Hubble-like powers of observation.

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John B. said...

Thanks for the very nice plug and for sending a little traffic my way. I just hope they regret the visit and, oh, soap up your blog's windows or something in retaliation.


Culture. Photos. Life's nagging questions. - BitterSweetLife