Random Call to Duty ~ BitterSweetLife

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Random Call to Duty

The alarm clock beeped so faintly this morning I got up and turned it off out of pity. Later, after my third cup of coffee, I wondered if maybe it was me that had been muted and dull, and not the alarm clock. I didn't intend to work today, but when I called the automated sub system last night, "Smart Find Express" demonstrated its real level of intelligence by refusing to let me cancel Wednesday's assignment. (If this sounds complicated, don't worry, it doesn't really matter.)

This morning I eventually I found myself in a Social Studies classroom, taking roll and gradually waking up. There are times when you feel surreality creeping in on you. This substitute teaching business is a strange way to earn a living.

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Andrew Simone said...

I wouldn't want to do it.


Culture. Photos. Life's nagging questions. - BitterSweetLife