Al Mohler on Books ~ BitterSweetLife

Friday, October 06, 2006

Al Mohler on Books

Over at, there's a book post up that features some solid quotes from Al Mohler:

"When truly read, a book becomes a part of us. That is why we are afraid to part with even the physicality of it. The book becomes an aid to memory and a deposit of thought and reflection. Its very materiality testifies that we once held it in our hands as we passed the pages before our eyes."

Mohler definitely gets it.

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Tim P. said...

I just Google Notebooked that quote. Mohler so gets it.

Charles Churchill said...

I just Google Notebooked that quote.

Maybe it's just my hyper-competitive nature and ten espresso's talking, but it sounds to me like Tim just threw down the techno-gauntlet. Well, I Google Notebooked, CoCommented, QuoteLockered, MemeTracked, and backed the quote up to my new iCortical implant. Top that ;)

Also, it's possible - tiny, tiny, very small chance - that I may have made some of those sites/services up...

Susannah said...

Great quote. And that's what makes books dangerous... especially fiction.

Anonymous said...

"the techno-gauntlet"

Well, I've programmed my vintage 1998 "tickle-me-elmo" to recite the quotation in 12 different dialects. Wait, I've read too many words today, I'm not sure what i've just written. hmmm... (hangs head in shame)

AJ said...

These riffs on I just Google-notebooked that are really impressive. Have you guys thought about stand-up comedy? Of course, Tim gets some credit too.

"Great quote. And that's what makes books dangerous..."

Glancing at the walk-in closet that contains my "to be read" shelves, I have no idea what you are talking about.


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