Good Stuff from Emerging Church? ~ BitterSweetLife

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Good Stuff from Emerging Church?

For you emerging/emergent church buffs, or those trying to get up to speed... I came across a forum where eight theologians were asked to respond to the following: What do you hope will ultimately emerge from the emerging church conversation for evangelicals? One guess as to who said this:

In short, I hope for an uprising of cool Calvinists who can preach the Bible, teach the truth, fight the heretics, plant churches, evangelize the lost, comfort the afflicted, afflict the comfortable, and compel men to be manly.

Mark Driscoll, D.A. Carson and Michael Horton were among those interviewed.

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Anonymous said...

there's a good discussion on the same lines at


Culture. Photos. Life's nagging questions. - BitterSweetLife