The Longing for Magic ~ BitterSweetLife

Saturday, October 21, 2006

The Longing for Magic

My friend Gymbrall (which is an ancient hobbit name, and not really his) has finally blogged a full-length post. Around here, Gymbrall is known for his ridiculously witty comments, but A Three Ghost Night is in a different vein. You could almost call it magical realism, except that the "magic" he writes about is the most enduring reality in the story. Take a look, and ask yourself if you have experienced a similar longing for magic...

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Charles Churchill said...

Thanks for the plug. Between that and the totally unwarranted "witty" comment, you have more than earned the iPod that might be (in a Schrödingerian sense) wending its way towards your mailbox.


chosha said...

I know I have definitely had days where I am so tired of the lack of change within me and wished for some catalyst to come and transform me in a way I feel unable to enact myself. It's interesting to analyse why we can recognise the problem, even the solution, but not have the wherewithall to shift our own pradigm.


Culture. Photos. Life's nagging questions. - BitterSweetLife