The Problem with Liberalism & Conservatism ~ BitterSweetLife

Monday, October 23, 2006

The Problem with Liberalism & Conservatism

Justin Taylor summarizes a couple articles by J. Budziszewski: The Problem with Liberalism and The Problem with Conservatism. Here's an anti-liberalism teaser:

My thesis is that, even as worldly philosophies go, political liberalism is deeply flawed. We may best describe it as a bundle of acute moral errors, with political consequences that grow more and more alarming as these errors are taken closer and closer to their logical conclusions.

And an anti-conservativism teaser:
From time to time Christians may find themselves in tactical alliance with conservatives, just as with liberals, over particular policies, precepts, and laws. But they cannot be in strategic alliance, because their reasons for these stands are different; they are living in a different vision... We do not need another Social Gospel--just the Gospel.

These are good distinctions.

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Anonymous said...




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