Infinite Time to Live ~ BitterSweetLife

Monday, October 09, 2006

Infinite Time to Live

Cottonwoods wave, wind streams,

world turns with no lever,
clouds slide on sunbeams,
today I could live forever.


There are times and moments when to live is pastime enough. The texture of existence, the “act” of being, makes us rapt and still. The assertive, positive side of Hamlet’s famous query takes our hearts by storm as we think, but more, feel—I am, I am.

In a perfect world, the business of living would account fully for every waking moment. We could sit on a hillside for a dozen years without looking for a better endeavor. Perhaps we will.

The moments when we fancy we need endless time to spend simply living, when we wish life could lengthen endlessly, hint at the ecstasy of life in a new earth. A land where simply “To be” answers every previous question.

And more, to act? The proportionate joy of perfect exertion, of flawless adventure, cannot even be imagined. But act we will. There will be adventures in heaven.

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fishcake said...

can not live simply ever after. If there are adventures, there is heaven. Need insaninty to keep life going.

AJ said...

There is no place in the Christian heaven for "simply ever after." That sounds to me more like nirvana.

If there are adventures, there is heaven.

I would correct the casaulity here: If there is heaven, there are adventures. If there is no heaven, there is no God, and if no God, then no ultimate meaning or purpose. Without meaning or purpose, there are no real adventures.


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