Douglas Gresham Talks About Prince Caspian Movie ~ BitterSweetLife

Friday, April 18, 2008

Douglas Gresham Talks About Prince Caspian Movie

In an interview with CT, Douglas Gresham discuses his role in the filming of Prince Caspian and drops some clues about the shape of the film. The storyline's structure will apparently be quite different from the book, a fact that Gresham is completely reconciled to, even if some fans are not:

CT: When NarniaFans interviewed you, they asked about the fate of Miraz's son in the film. You replied, "There's global warming, worldwide recession, dental cavities and facial blemishes and all sorts of things more meritorious of anxiety than the fate of Miraz's son." They asked you why another change was supposedly made from the book, and you replied, "Why not?" Your answers sounded a bit flippant to people who really love these books …

Gresham: They are a little bit flippant. People do take these things sometimes too seriously. This is, after all, when all is said and done, only a movie. But I know that when the fans see the scenes, they will understand immediately why we've done what we done, and they will also love it. So I'm not going to go into lengthy descriptions of why we made the decisions we made. I'm going to let the fans make up their own minds.


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