Monotony is cunning. You don't notice him at first. He sneaks in like Carbon Monoxide, then all of a sudden you realize you are flat on your back and your senses are dulled. Life seems a little hazy. If I could just get up, you think... Then you realize the thud you heard was your head hitting the floorboard. Getting up won't be easy.
Nevertheless, one must try. Getting up again is the special duty of Christians. Consider: Jesus.
The weather, the majority of my classes, substitute teaching: They've been continuing. And that's about all I can say about them. Isn't that the heart of monotony? Things happen, but they don't seem to signify? I'm convinced that another special duty of Christians is believing that boredom isn't really. Monotony has uses. Tedium completes invisible tasks.
As Paul said, "Faith is the mystery that overcomes the world."
I would like to point out that boredom is a central attribute of the world, so Faith is also the mystery that overcomes monotony. Underneath a veneer of sameness runs the life-altering, earth-ending mystery of Jesus. God doesn't take his foot of the accelerator when the radio starts playing rhythm and blues.
I'm preaching to myself a little here, but these things have to be true. Sanctification doesn't shut down when life is lacking intellectual spice. Christ-likeness depends on Christ--not life's current interest quotient.
You look around, and events have the tonal quality of a teacher who is reciting his notes from a written outline. But perhaps there are other words being said, Someone else talking. Despite appearances, Things are actually going on, is what I'm saying.
Monotony is only sight-deep.
Thursday, March 01, 2007
Monotony is a Mirage,
Sanctification is the Reality
Posted by
9:23 PM
I read the post title a bit too quickly and thought it said, Monogamy is a Mirage, Sanctification is the Reality, and I thought, maybe it's a post on Solomon... or Joseph Smith...
Anyway, glad to see you and Lindsay are still together. I'm going to go to bed now.
Great post!
Boy do I need to remember this! I might have it tatooed on my arm or something. Do you think you can shorten it to something more tatoo worthy? ;)
Sorry, its Friday.
Do you think you can shorten it to something more tatoo worthy? ;)
Hmm. How about Boredom cornered me but I gave it the axe? Wait, that's not shorter. How about Tedium: I C thru it? Or: You're bored because God loves you? ;)
Forgive me, it's Saturday.
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