I've Bashed in the New Blogger's Head ~ BitterSweetLife

Friday, March 02, 2007

I've Bashed in the New Blogger's Head

When the page elements editor quit on me, it was the last straw. My sidebar was frozen in an empty limbo. For now, I'm back to the Old Blogger. I'll try and make the conversion again sometime in the future...stupid New Blogger.

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Charles Churchill said...

The big question is, how is your foot, Dr. Ransom err... Ariel...?

AJ said...

Nice Out of the Silent Planet reference. My heel is still bleeding. Nothing I do seems to be able to stop it... The un-Blogger had some sharp teeth - before I bashed is his head, that is.

We now return to the world of non-arcane C.S. Lewis references. ;)


Culture. Photos. Life's nagging questions. - BitterSweetLife