The Pants Make The Man ~ BitterSweetLife

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

The Pants Make The Man

I wore The Pants again today. It was almost as if I had no choice, as if honor made me do it. Lindsay doesn't like The Pants. Aidan is indifferent, though willing to back me up. I acquired The Pants second-hand for a couple of dollars, so they occupy "trophy" status. I was, and continue to be, pleased at the accomplishment, but Lindsay immediately called my victory into question, stating merely that she "didn't like the color." Devastating.

For awhile this was enough to keep The Pants under wraps. But it was only a matter of time until they made a reappearance. Yesterday, they came out of hiding. Once again, I felt my good taste and eye for a bargain had been exonerated. Once again, Lindsay observed, "Oh, you wore those pants I don't like." Lindsay doesn't like the color. But I like the color. So I wore them again today. Just to prove a point? Hardly. This was an important phase in my self-development. It has taken me time to reach this place of safety, but I now have the confidence to wear The Pants at the time and place of my choosing. This can hardly be considered a small thing.

It's taken me months--no, years--to achieve this level of freedom and confidence. The journey hasn't been an easy one. But These Pants are worth it.

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Anonymous said...

I believe this would be an opportune time to post a picture, so we readers can make our own value judgment about The Pants.

must_decrease said...

I too request a pants profiling picture

Anonymous said...

Clearly a picture is in order...

Anonymous said...

Show us the pants, yes, SHOW us the pants... ;)

AJ said...

Fine. Here are the pants. But you made me do it.


Culture. Photos. Life's nagging questions. - BitterSweetLife