Edgy Theological Writing ~ BitterSweetLife

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Edgy Theological Writing

And Now For Something Totally Different...

As a kind of public service, I like to introduce people to strong written material that should weigh in just slightly lower than this blog on your list of Things To Read. Here's the latest.

I just discovered Relief: A Quarterly Christian Expression, and this magazine looks promising. Check this article from the editor to get a feel for Relief's approach. Smart and gritty.

Next, read this hilarious, off-the-wall (but nevertheless brilliant) First Things article from Anthony Sacramone in which he takes The Universe to task.

Finally, if you're in the mood for a provocative, startling piece, read Ben Merkle's article, "Beer". I love Credenda Agenda, and this article from a back issue has got to be a favorite with Mark Driscoll. If you've never heard of Credenda Agenda, a more gentle intro may be this piece from their current issue, "In Defense of Wind Grasping." It's a serious-but-whimsical expose of the real nature of the world. (How's that for a modest goal? :)


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Culture. Photos. Life's nagging questions. - BitterSweetLife