The New Blogger Is Beating on Me ~ BitterSweetLife

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

The New Blogger Is Beating on Me

I went ahead and took the dive into the "full" New Blogger experience, which explains why the sidebar looks like an empty refrigerator and some page elements are strange or missing. Now I'm falling all over myself trying to play catch-up. Just so you know.

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Rodney Olsen said...

I moved to New Blogger some time back but I've kept the Old Blogger template format. I find that it gives me far more control over what my blog looks like.

AJ said...

I say you are a smart man. I've been reading tutorials, and the concensus goes something like this: The New Blogger code is powerful and offers new functionality. We are impressed - but no one knows how to use it.

Will Robison said...

I thought for sure the headline would read, "ARIEL BURIED UNDER BY TOO MUCH JUNK ON HIS BLOG DECIDES TO GO WITH MINIMALIST APPROACH!" But then, I guess, I really don't know you that well. ;)

P.S. What are your thoughts on McDonald's winning the coffee taste test? It prompted me to buy my first, and last, cup of McD's joe.


Culture. Photos. Life's nagging questions. - BitterSweetLife