Desiring God Conference Coming Up ~ BitterSweetLife

Sunday, February 04, 2007

Desiring God Conference Coming Up

Tomorrow morning I'll be leaving for Minneapolis, MN to attend the Desiring God Pastors' Conference. This event seems to take place at a strategic time each year. I've been able to attend twice in the past, and God likes to use these times to refresh me and send me home with my batteries charged. The speakers, the theology, the conversations, and the bookstore are excellent. So I'll be gone until Wednesday, looking for spiritual inspiration and renewal. Not that this counts as an "emergency" or anything.

Me: I'll be out of town on Tuesday, and I was wondering if I'd be able to make up the quiz I'll miss.
One of my professors [with narrowed eyes]: Well, why will you be gone?
Me: I'm going to the Desiring God Pastors' Conference that John Piper hosts.
My professor: Well, this isn't an emergency. No one in the family has died or anything.
Me: That's true. It's just been on the calendar for awhile.
My professor: I only let students make up quizzes in the event of an emergency.
Me: Mmm.

Life is full of irony. But if attending this pastors' conference means I have to take it on the chin from my seminary prof, I say bring it. I'm trusting that the next several days will pay dividends. Back in a few.

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Anonymous said...

I'll be leaving for Minneapolis, MN to attend the Desiring God Pastors' Conference.

Trying to suppress unbridled envy...

Rodney Olsen said...

I was listening to John Piper's weekly podcast sermon just this morning.

I'd certainly be there too if it wasn't quite so far away. :)


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