Aidan Gets Theology Books (Weekend Photo) ~ BitterSweetLife

Friday, February 09, 2007

Aidan Gets Theology Books (Weekend Photo)

Of course, I returned from this week's Desiring God conference with about 20 pounds of new books deftly concealed in my duffle bag. (Good thing I left that extra pair of socks at home.)

Acquiring a stack of low cost, high quality books at the conference has become a yearly tradition. But
this time, there was a new wrinkle in the usual plan. During my last trip to the bookstore, after the last session, it struck me: I'm buying for an additional theologian now!

It was an exciting moment of realization.

When I returned home, I happily unpacked my books and Aidan began exploring his new tomes. He was excited. Kid digs theology.

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Widsith said...

Adorable! Can't wait to start buying theology, classic myth and history, and the great poets for my future kids! =)

- Dana (MrsC)

John B. said...

The picture reminds me of something I once heard in a sermon: Karl Barth (I think it was--Google isn't helping me confirm it) was once asked what was the most profound statement of belief he knew of, and he replied, "Jesus loves me./This I know,/For the Bible/Tells me so."


Culture. Photos. Life's nagging questions. - BitterSweetLife