Weekend Photos: Colorado Sepias ~ BitterSweetLife

Friday, August 25, 2006

Weekend Photos: Colorado Sepias

Ribbon Falls, ColoradoArch Rocks, Colorado

The weekend is here, and my photographic self is still stuck in Colorado. The photo on the left is of Ribbon Falls en route to Green Lake, and the shot on the right is of Arch Rocks - a destination with great potential for bouldering. (Lindsay took the second shot. She would want me to tell you that.) As I recall, both hiking days had plenty of cloud cover (Arch Rocks less so), which made for fairly balanced, contrasty shots. You can view full-size copies of these shots and other artistic work on my Flickr page.

As well, hit up the Friday Photo group. There's a concerted effort on the part of several bloggers to post photos on Friday that "have some artistic merit."

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Culture. Photos. Life's nagging questions. - BitterSweetLife