More Long's Peak Snapshots ~ BitterSweetLife

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

More Long's Peak Snapshots

Feeling that the initial batch of Long's Peak pictures (below) weren't quite adequate, I'm adding a few more. As well, this latest Colorado trip gave me the incentive to start an account at Flickr where I'll be posting my more artistic shots. You can scan a few in the right sidebar by scrolling down, or go straight to my Flickr page.

Three cheers for photos!

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Unknown said...

Yet another reason for me to visit Colorado... the only place in America that really beckons me. Also, where have I been? Your blog has exploded. You have an incredible blog post turnover...

AJ said...

You should definitely do CO, although I'm shocked that you don't have Kansas or Missouri on your itinerary. What, you don't like humid plains?


Culture. Photos. Life's nagging questions. - BitterSweetLife