New DSL and New Blogger Beta ~ BitterSweetLife

Monday, August 14, 2006

New DSL and New Blogger Beta

I finally convinced Lindsay that a fast internet connection was more important than air conditioning, and today we had DSL activated. It seems like the best of omens that "coincidentally" Blogger also announced it's new Blogger Beta platform today, which features some serious upgrades (several of which I incorporated here months ago using various involved hacks).

When happenings like this converge, it can only mean good things.

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John B. said...

I finally convinced Lindsay that a fast internet connection was more important than air conditioning . . .

You're going to make one hell of a preacherman.

Anonymous said...

Of course, FTP users are SOL with regard to some of the new features.


Culture. Photos. Life's nagging questions. - BitterSweetLife