The Da Vinci Code's Secret ~ BitterSweetLife

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

The Da Vinci Code's Secret

This just in from mystery critic Jon Breen, writing in The Weekly Standard:

Dan Brown's novel works best as an old-fashioned clued detective puzzle, albeit an unusually badly written one.
I couldn't have put it better myself.

HT: The American Culture

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Anonymous said...

Now I have to ask - have you read "The DaVinci Code"? If so, what did you think of it? Outside of the bad writing (I absolutely concur, by the way)...

AJ said...

I owned it briefly, started reading it, then sold it on eBay because the writing was so bad. So I guess I'm not really qualified to comment on the book, other than to say that Dan Brown presents no theological threat to anyone who knows how to open a history book.

John B. said...

I know the Code; I read it last year. Somewhere on my blog I noted that Brown is the sort of writer for whom continually reminding the reader that his main character has claustrophobia is what passes for character development. But I stuck it out and finished it anyway. Of course, Ariel, your reaching your conclusions without having to finish reading it just indicates you possess a superior critical intelligence.

AJ said...

your reaching your conclusions without having to finish reading it just indicates you possess a superior critical intelligence.

Or maybe just less patience! I think that's much more likely.


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