When Babies Attack ~ BitterSweetLife

Friday, April 20, 2007

When Babies Attack

Aidan and I were playing a game. He hit the coffee table three times. I hit the coffee table three times. He hit the futon three times. I hit the futon three times. He hit me three times. I hit me three times--

Wait a minute.

This kid is clever.

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Charles Churchill said...

Play the same game, but this time you both have hammers!!

10 times the fun!!

Anonymous said...

Ya know, dude. It would appear you're not as smart as I thought.

I forsee a full ride to Mizzou in Aidan's future.


AJ said...

Play the same game, but this time you both have hammers!!

Ya know, dude. It would appear you're not as smart as I thought.

I guess I left myself wide open for this. That doesn't mean I won't make you both pay!


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