Escaping Pornography ~ BitterSweetLife

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Escaping Pornography

Rodney Olsen has a post up in which he not only assesses the devastating effects of pornography, but extends hope that there are avenues of escape.

The sad truth is that with this issue touching more and more people, there will be some people reading this post who right now feel hopelessly trapped by pornography. One of the main things that the porn industry relies on is the fact that it's a dirty little secret. Those who consume porn don't usually tell others about it so they find it difficult to get good help... Reach out to someone you can trust and get help to be free from the grasp of pornography. Let's together decide that today is the day that where we draw a line in the sand and say 'no more'.

The full post includes an audio interview with the Principal of Morling College in New South Wales, who says that pornography is the issue that comes up most frequently when he counsels students. I suspect that this is pretty representative.

Tellingly, Christians are willing to be "open" about a select spectrum of sins, but porn typically isn't one of them. Implication: Someone has a nice gig going, since shining light into dark corners is necessary if we want to taste freedom.

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Rodney Olsen said...

Thanks for the link.

This is an issue which is crippling so many people. It really does need to be dealt with in our homes and our churches.


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