Lindsay is reading Blue Like Jazz. As of yesterday, she reported, “I’m still deciding whether to like Donald Miller or not.” How well I remember that feeling. I tried to persuade her to write a review when she finishes, but she demurred. Maybe she’ll change her mind before the book is over, though. For example, I’m pretty sure she hasn’t reached the Don Rabbit comics yet.
I finished Not the Way It’s Supposed to Be by Cornelius Plantinga, Jr., a couple days ago. This book is masterful, as you may have guessed from the quote-dropping that’s been going on here lately. Cornelius (Alvin Plantinga’s little brother) diagnoses sin with Puritan-like vigor, but exchanges the elephantine prose of, say, John Owen, for a lucid and gripping style. A review is probably forthcoming. Hint: A+
I just opened Tell the Truth by Will Metzger and experienced the rare buzz of excitement that means I’m probably about to read two A+ books in a row. Opening paragraph:Have you ever been stymied by evangelism? Do you feel you are tossed between two unacceptable alternatives and can’t find your niche? On the one side you see Christians who have great rapport with others but don’t say much about Jesus Christ. On the other side are those who are always “giving out the gospel” but seem to know nothing about genuine friendship. The frustration of bumping into these two extremes in Christian circles is very real.
This sounds promising, and all indications are that the book deserves a better cover. Metzger will be making further appearances here soon. And there you have it. This week's book buzz* features can't-miss books by Plantinga and Metzger and a stylishly-jotted bestseller that cashes in on today's cultural interest in spirituality.
* The phrase, "this week's book buzz" in no way implies that "book buzz" will be a weekly feature on this blog. On the other hand, it doesn't imply the opposite either. Basically, I just liked the sound of the phrase. In the parlance of the academic elite, "Book buzz" will appear as frequently as I judge advantageous to the noetic salubriousness of you readers, which means when I feel like it. But at least you just learned a couple new words.
Tuesday, April 03, 2007
Book Buzz: Sin, Gospel, Comics
Posted by
4:58 PM
Ordered Plantinga's book a few days ago on your recommendation. Looking forward to it.
(thought the Donald Rabbit funnies were classic)
Awesome. I'm having a hard time visualizing a hypothetical situation wherein Plantinga's book could disappoint. Maybe if you were stuck in a pitch-black, windowless room and you stubbed your foot on it?
Another friend recently told me that he bought The Great Divorce on my (this blog's) recommendation and read it in one day. This stuff makes my day.
I've noticed some common reads as I look at your recommendations on the right column. Some are books I've intended to read for years, others I've not heard of. Always looking for a good read.
I am a Lewis fan (if that's the right word), but haven't read The Great Divorce yet.
I'll get back to you on the Plantinga book. (I'm looking forward to it!)
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