I Explain My Tags Again ~ BitterSweetLife

Wednesday, December 28, 2005

I Explain My Tags Again

Christmas has left me a much happier, relaxed, and indolent person. I’ve been enjoying a vacation from pretty much everything—even blogging. But the blog ban could continue only so long, since I normally blog for the pure creative joy of it (and, of course, to keep myself sane). Blogging, like reading, is something I do constantly because I want to. But since I’ve been away for several days, I thought it best to take an easy route back in. Prepare yourself for a blow-by-blow, pseudo tech post.

A couple months ago, I broke out del.icio.us tags here on the blog—to the delight of a few techie insiders. Most of you were unmoved, however. But del.icio.us is still pulling its weight, an ingenious system that I use to index everything I write, and make it navigable. (If you haven’t already noticed, del.icio.us has made its presence felt here; check out the del.icio.us/ArielJVan link at the top of the sidebar, the “My Categories” menu further down, and the “Filed in” tags that appear under each post. Del.icio.us is ubiquitous.)

Back when I implemented del.icio.us, I set about explaining the “tags,” or labels, that I use to file my posts—and I made it about half-way through. I’m not sure if anyone is anxiously waiting for the sequel to I Explain My Tags, but here it comes, ready or not.

You’ll probably want to thank me later, so I’m saying in advance, Don’t mention it. No one salivates over the Table of Contents, but what would you do without it? I mean, other than read random posts on a semi-weekly basis. (Just kidding.)

:: Continued from I Explain My Tags ::

In the Bittersweet equation, joy is subversive and appears in strange places. It also gets the last laugh.

Lifeview posts tend to present a big-picture snapshot of life, aiming for an over-arching idea or metaphor. They often urge us to get our heads screwed on straight.

My wife refuses to write her own posts, so I generally have to write them for her. So far, she still likes me.

Paradox is at the heart of bittersweetness. Essentially, I argue that believable paradox is the test of every wanna-be religion or worldview. Can system x account for the nuanced, mysterious texture of life down here, and the way that we experience our joy and pain, good and evil, all jumbled together? (Bittersweetness can.)

BitterSweetLife is a good-natured blog with aspirations to profundity. With disarming candor, the blog admits that philosophy is not its area of expertise, but it occasionally ventures into speculation that is more philosophic in nature than anything else.

I take pictures. The idea is, you look at the photos, and then try to find fitting words of appreciation. (BitterSweetLife began as a photoblog.)

While I would never claim to be a “poet,” I do write the occasional poem. Usually they illustrate an aspect of bittersweetness. What more can I say? Lindsay likes them.

Some posts are driven by a thorny issue or compelling point of inquiry. This is especially the case in the Blogger Limelight series, which invite community participation.

Before I took up English, I spent a year of my life in Pre-Med. The fascination with Biology (and Physics) is still with me, although now it’s purely a hobby. “Science” is a catch-all tag for topics (i.e. the human brain, evolution, unseen dimensions) that are generically scientific.

Inherent to any discipline (i.e. Microbiology, Forensics, Philosophy, Theology) is a certain amount of speculation in advance of the facts. It’s unavoidable. We try to fill the holes of the unknown with the bricks of the discovered. I think it’s only honest to admit when I’m doing it.

My life is not extremely eventful, so I’ll often try to recount a fairly pedestrian incident in a way that makes it seem significant and exciting. Hey, it’s the least I can do for you readers. ;)

Despite accusations to the contrary, I’m definitely not one of the many techies running around loose in cyberspace. If I was, I would be making a lot more money than I am now. But sometimes I write a post that deals with code or tools (like del.icio.us) that even I can understand.

When technical upgrades arrive at BitterSweetLife, or when popularity spikes again, I’m not one to withhold the good news.

Sometimes I get in a strange mood and begin writing about writing. Often, it’s self-diagnostic, since I’m trying to finally figure out how to write good. You didn’t actually think this tag would apply to every post, did you?


And now my tags are fully explained. The way has been paved for more entries in the BitterSweet catalog. Now go and do some tagging of your own.

Filed in:

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Anonymous said...

I believe, tag, you're it.

Andy said...

Excellent. Now a tech question for you, or anyone else out there...what's the coding to dump the tags into a drop down box as opposed to a list (which is how del.icio.us explains it in their help feature)? I like that you've got 'em in the drop down box.

And while I myself have my Archives in a drop down box, that's only because I did a cut and paste from Blogger.

AJ said...

Hey Andy, I know I got the drop-down code from Freshblog, where there are a lot of nice hacks. Take a look. If you can't find it, I can always dig up the code from my template and send it you you.

Just remember I'm not really a techie. :)

AJ said...

Ha! I found it. Here you go: Drop-down menus for del.icio.us categories.

Now, if I could just get my peek-a-boo comments to work with Blogger backlinks. Any wandering tech genuises out there?

Andy said...

Thanks Ariel, I'll give it a shot tonight. As to backlinks & peekaboo, sorry, I can't help there. I'm curious about it myself!

Andy said...

Thanks for the info on the drop downs - I got it to work!

AJ said...

For anyone interested, I discovered how to make backlinks work with "peek-a-boo" comments. You just have to use the appropriate (non-Blogger) backlinks hack.


Culture. Photos. Life's nagging questions. - BitterSweetLife