Narnia Review and the Final Blog Battle ~ BitterSweetLife

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Narnia Review and the Final Blog Battle

As I begin my painstaking climb toward Final Exam readiness, I thought I'd toss a couple links your way.

First, here's a perceptive take on the recent Narnia film, offered by Oneway at HiFi. His review is right on, and pretty refreshing. I think you'll like it.

And second, the 2005 Weblogs Awards battle has reached its final stage. There's a substantial but bridgeable gap between BitterSweetLife and the next contestant. It's conceivable that your last-ditch voting efforts will give this blog a highly sought after top five finish. Regardless of the final tally, thanks for all the support. It's been fun.

And now, back to the books...

Filed in:

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Anonymous said...

I think I got hosed on the picking of extracts man! lol! It's been tough finding an english translation on Wycliffe's De civili dominio. I wish i would of taken latin in H.S. Oh well, good to hear you're studying so hard. I'll email you the results of my research tomorrow. Hopefully it will be to your liking! peace! Rob

AJ said...

I've got to give a shout out for Rob, my stalwart History of Christianity study partner.

Hey man. Yeah, I hear those Latin conjugations are tough going. Keep up the translation efforts.

Better yet, just transcribe a paragraph or so from De Civili Dominio. We'll create a mnemonic device to memorize the Latin, and then include it in our essays.

Are we talking surefire 'A+' or what?


Julie Ann said...

Enjoyed this post and review. I had a similar response to viewing the LWW. Enjoy coming to your blog and being edified.May God bless you and your wife this Christmas season.


Culture. Photos. Life's nagging questions. - BitterSweetLife