Thwarted Dreams of Violence ~ BitterSweetLife

Sunday, December 11, 2005

Thwarted Dreams of Violence

When I started suiting up to go play rugby today, Lindsay pointed out that the wind was “blowing like mad” and I should probably stay home where it was warm and there wasn’t eight inches of frozen slush coating the ground. If only I had listened to her, I could have avoided the horrendous disaster that followed.

OK, not really. But isn’t that what’s supposed to happen when you fail to take your wife’s advice? As it turned out, I should have followed her advice—but not because of the awfulness that ensued.

Instead of simultaneously rupturing a hamstring and shattering my femur on a goal line drive, I arrived at the field and found out that most all my fellow players had chosen this particular snowy, freezing day to get all industrious and go write papers. The nerve of some people.

So instead of playing rugby, I went by Price Chopper and bought some milk and half and half. And now here I am, writing a paper of my own.

Filed in:

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ninjapoodles said...

Yes, the wife, she is wise. You are ridiculously young, though, and so have ample time to learn.

AJ said...

Hmm. Such a comment is clearly intended to curry favor with Lindsay...which is, of course, an admirable goal. Ridiculously young. I kind of like that, though.

It almost implies that youngness and years elapsed are not directly connected, which would be a fun thought to explore.

Then again, you just meant that I was immature, didn't you? (That currying favor thing again.) So when I write the piece on "ridiculous youth," don't expect attribution. ;)

ninjapoodles said...

Youth IS ridiculous. Beautifully ridiculous. Just wait until you see it in the rear-view; You'll agree, and hopefully, you'll be smiling.

And Lindsay, regardless of whatever her age may be when measured in years, is almost certainly your senior. It's part of God's wisdom, I think. Ask her, if you don't believe me.

You're obviously both wise beyond your years, as evidenced in your early choosing of each other as life partners...please take full advantage of the youngness (oughtta be a word), the cuteness, and the vigor that you share at this time.

Your friend,


AJ said...

Thanks for the well wishes, Yoda. :)

You got my curiousity going with this:

And Lindsay, regardless of whatever her age may be when measured in years, is almost certainly your senior. It's part of God's wisdom, I think. Ask her, if you don't believe me.

Clearly, such statements beg to be investigated. I nonchalantly put the question to Lindsay earlier:

"Hey honey, which of us do you think...has the benefit of more experience accumulated over the years? Which of us do you think is wiser?"

Lindsay diplomatically replied that she thinks we're about even in the wisdom department. Of course, I didn't conduct the experiment with proper 'controls' in place. I should have been less overt.

We may never know what she really thinks. ;)


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