Objective Christmas Beauty ~ BitterSweetLife

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Objective Christmas Beauty

I’ve been spending my days playing music by John Rutter and Windham Hill, and looking wistfully out the window. I sip hot drinks and try to gloss over the fact that I’m spending the days leading up to Christmas studying for my final exams. I hope I never have to deal with an academic schedule like this again; as worthwhile as it is to learn about the origins of the crusades, Aquinas’ Summa Theologica, Emperor Charlemagne, and other assorted artifacts of pre-Reformation history, there are things I’d rather be thinking about. Like Christ himself.

As it is, I’m posting some pictures to help dispel my frustration. I went out and took these on my seminary grounds after my second-to-last exam yesterday. Photography is a good way of emphasizing that this time of year, and what it stands for, really is objectively wonderful, even if I’m not particularly free to savor it yet. By Thursday at 12:30, however, I'll have gained my freedom.

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Paula said...

Those are breathtakingly lovely, Ariel. Sometimes I do miss the snow.

TT said...

Those are great pictures . . . but they are not having the same effect on me that they are having on you according to your post. I am still freaking out about my finals. But by the end of this week it will be over . . . for a week and then there is spring semester. Hang in there and keep snapping pics!

Anonymous said...

I LOVE your photography, Ariel, especially those top two photos.

Aquinas, Charlemagne, and the crusades actually sounds like fun stuff. You shouldn't be complaining. ;-)

Andrew Simone said...

I am with j. Seriously, I wish I had the luxury. Although, what little free time I have is spent in Narnia, as it were.

Good times.

Will Robison said...

Thank you for the photos. For those of us here on the other coast, a picture of snow is as close as we sometimes get to the real thing. You want to know the meaning of "joy"? Look at a person's face when they experience snow for the first time. It used to be my favorite time of year. I still like the stuff... even if its a hassle to drive in.

Good luck on your finals. And Merry Christmas.


Culture. Photos. Life's nagging questions. - BitterSweetLife