Soothing Urban Blizzard Pictures ~ BitterSweetLife

Monday, December 12, 2005

Soothing Urban Blizzard Pictures

I didn’t get called to substitute teach this morning, and so I spent the day completing a 20-page research paper. End of story, right? Just about. I’d like to write something thought provoking and substantial, but I’m afraid of what continued literary effort might do to me. Therefore, since the idea of posting vacuous content is clearly unthinkable, I am slapping up several peaceful, soothing pictures that I took a couple days ago after the Kansas City Blizzard of 2005. Hope you like 'em.

Oh, and I have to say this—thanks to your continued efforts to stuff the ballot box (which is legal in the Weblogs Awards)—BitterSweetLife has moved decisively into sixth place. This blog has actually eclipsed a previous leader. This was unquestionably thanks, in part, to a thoughtful endorsement from young Mimahbean. However, the next contestant is 59 votes ahead. Go get him.

Ok, back to calming urban blizzard pictures.

The night after the Kansas City Blizzard was a good one to be inside, behind solid brick walls, heaters blasting defiantly at the sub-zero world outdoors. But what's this? A shivering figures stands in the snowy alley. Every few moments he stops chafing his hands together for warmth, raises a small, boxy silver object and...takes a picture.

In the eerie, iridescent glow that followed the Kansas City Blizzard, familiar objects take on strange, ghostly hues. Who knows what might lurk above that steel-blue fire escape?

As the shivering, camera-carrying figure watches in mute fascination, a shard of moon comes out from behind a skeletal tree. Simultaneously, the security lamps adorning the old iron fire escape burst into greenish luminescence. With a choking cry, the young photographer flees inside. In the wake of the spectral Kansas City Blizzard, this is no fit night for man or beast.

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Carmen said...

Fabulous pictures. and congrats on the the 6th place. I would have voted for you, but my computer doesn't have the right version of flash.

Andrew Simone said...

I dig the last picture, OH, and I did my part...


Culture. Photos. Life's nagging questions. - BitterSweetLife