Weekend Slices ~ BitterSweetLife

Saturday, December 09, 2006

Weekend Slices

Here are a few conversations recently overheard in my part of the blogosphere...Extra points if you can name the authors before you click over (eminently possible in a couple cases).

I don't question the devotion of anyone who says she loves Christ intensely, whatever language she uses to express it. But I have little patience for taking biblical metaphors too far and giving one's relationship with God an air of irreverent chumminess. Somehow, the scenario in which "his princess" shaves her legs for a date with Jesus seems to leave little room for fear of God.

Do atheists give their lives to the poor for the love of Christ? I am sure some atheists do serve others and have a desire to help, but my experience reflects that many others do not. There are plenty of bad examples from Christians and non-Christians alike, but the list of atheists who have sacrificially given their lives to the poor is shorter than that of French war victories.
It wasn’t a moment that called for Kleenex, but Kansas coach Bill Self couldn’t help but get sentimental earlier this week when talking about his memories of Kemper Arena.
“Be ye separate” and “Go ye into all the world” are not new commands, and neither is the church’s struggle to satisfy both. Wendell Berry’s spiritual retreat to Henry County Kentucky after his stint at Stanford has entered its fifth decade. I don’t expect him to give up the blue skies and the manure anytime soon. But must we view Berry’s half-century in the sticks as self-serving retreat from responsibility?

As William Blake said about his midterms, “I will not cease from mental fight.” That’s me in a nutshell. This is no longer an exercise in skylarking; at the end of the day, it will be me or the damnable exams left standing.

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Culture. Photos. Life's nagging questions. - BitterSweetLife