Yesterday Kansas City got deluged by a three-phase storm: Rain, followed by sleet, followed by snow. Once the snow started falling, it became a beautifully overcast day, and in the late afternoon, I walked two blocks through huge, swirling flakes to grab a package from our apartment office, soaking in (literally) every minute of the trip.
Lindsay, Aidan and I spent the evening inside with hot drinks, candles, games and music, the storm just inches away outside our brick walls. The snow kept on coming down as darkness fell.
As a result, school was canceled today, which meant I stayed home and worked on my term paper, a research piece on Urban Missions. Better conditions for such claustrophobic activity can hardly be imagined; I discovered that my friend Andrew is similarly engaged.
If anyone else is slaving away over a final essay, give a shout-out so we can all empathize. I'm just grateful for the snow here in KC - gives me a good reason to sit around, writing, inside. As of this post, I'm about 33% finished... I'm hoping for more snow.
Friday, December 01, 2006
Urban Winter in Kansas City (Weekend Photo)
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5:02 PM
I don't know if a blog post counts, but I've been working on one in fits and starts all day today. The process feels like the way my term-paper writing would go, back in the day.
I may get it done tonight.
Sure, I say an involved blog post qualifies, John. Although you have the advantage of freedom as far as form and citations go. Example: Left to myself, I'd look for a way to work a Lewis quote into my Urban Missions paper, and maybe some Shakespeare. (Justification: They both lived in urban centers!)
The process feels like the way my term-paper writing would go, back in the day.
Deliberately flaunting your academic mastery, eh? Well, you've earned it, so I won't complain.
Thanks, Cory. Good to hear that scuffed-up, old KC can evoke wistfulness in those who have left her. Or maybe you're just missing the Roasterie coffee? ;)
Although you have the advantage of freedom as far as form and citations go.
Heh. I am beginning my religious epistemology paper with a quote from Pound.
I am interested in seeing what my prof thinks about it.
I am interested in seeing what my prof thinks about it.
Unfortunately, I think I already know what my professor would think about it. John B. is a professor; I'll bet he doesn't mind the occasional "non-expert" quote for added panache.
I applaud such professors.
The beauty of the quote it that it very much pertains to the subject and gives me a good grid to work from.
"Fits and starts" isn't flaunting--not to my mind, at least. I've never been the slow-and-steady writer type, which is frustrating when deadlines loom.
Seeing as I'm not your prof, what follows counts for pretty much zero. But if an ostensibly out-of-bounds quote both pertains to the subject and provides a grid, I'd applaud your syncretic abilities.
Best of luck to the both of you.
I am drowning in end of the semester seminary work. Praise the Lord that it is only three weeks till break.
Seeing as how I'm supposed to be working on my Mary Wollstonecraft term paper right now, I shouldn't be commenting here. But since there is end-of-the-semester sympathy being shared, I couldn't help joining in. Death to term papers!
Good old Watson library at KU burst a water pipe and gave me something to write about for my journalism final, as the energy drink craze article has already been written to a pulp.
Praise the Lord that it is only three weeks till break.
Bravo! Amen! Although in my case, it's just two weeks - better yet.
since there is end-of-the-semester sympathy being shared, I couldn't help joining in. Death to term papers!
Here here! I hope my term paper dies a lingering death in someone's filing cabinet - a vertical slash followed by a couple circular shapes inked on its head.
Good old Watson library at KU burst a water pipe and gave me something to write about for my journalism final
And here's to bursting water pipes! Providence is out in force at the end of the semester.
Sir, how do you create photos like these?
Sir, how do you create photos like these?
Being in the right place @ the right time gets top billing: I took this in the alley behind our apartment building. All the elements of color were right there waiting for the shot. I framed it carefully to get the angles and shadows I wanted, then - click. I love snow for the dramatic shadows. Full disclosure: I did use Photoshop Elements to polish the contrast a little.
With your Nikon D50 you're definitely equipped to take some good pictures.
So, did you use a tripod? I am trying to figure out how to shoot at night without using a flash. Gimme some settings, man, I'm talking F-stop, ISO, the works! Don't hold out, dude!
Just kidding, I appreciate any tips. This picture gets better every time I look at it.
Gimme some settings, man, I'm talking F-stop, ISO, the works! Don't hold out, dude!
You're making me salivate. I'm still in the dark age where digital cameras are concerned. My old Sony Cybershot isn't a true SLR, so I don't play with precision settings all that much.
There was quite a bit of ambient light in this shot, so I used a longer exposure...1/60 I'm guessing. I don't mind grainy photos, so I bumped the ISO up...I'm thinking @ least 400, maybe higher. (As you can tell, taking photos is pretty off-the-cuff with me, made possible by my incredibly good instincts.;) But no really fancy marksmanship. Trying to hold the camera still in my numb fingers was a challenge, though.
So get out there and shoot something, man. Then post it.
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