Social Commentary ~ BitterSweetLife

Friday, December 08, 2006

Social Commentary

This is just a quick blogkeeping note.

I've started using a Blogger hack that enables comment notification. What's that exactly, you wonder? Not to be condescending (which means to talk down to someone), but comment notification is that basic element in blogging life which encourages people to keep talking to each other. In other words, You leave a comment. I notice your witty remark and comment back. You get a note saying that your comment has been responded to... And so on and so forth.

Why do I mention this? Because comment notification is useless to you unless you do one simple thing: add your email to your Blogger profile. If you're looking for a testimonial about the dangers/safety of doing so, I can offer one.

I've had my email address in my Blogger profile for going on three years and have suffered no adverse effects - no spam, deleterious remarks, threatening emails, etc.

There you have it. So if you want to benefit from the increased interactivity of comment notification, add your email. Otherwise, disregard this message...

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Charles Churchill said...

Not to be condescending (which means to talk down to someone)

But what does "talking down" mean? and "not"? and who is this someone? We want answers Mr. Smarty-pants and as soon as I figure out what "email", "address", "Blogger" and "profile" means, I'll know when you answer me.

Anonymous said...


You have changed my life.

I ended two years of blog-inaccessibility just because of this exciting new commenting development. My new gmail is now up on my profile. I can hardly wait to participate in more conversations! ;P


Culture. Photos. Life's nagging questions. - BitterSweetLife