The semester, that is. All that remains to be ruthlessly destroyed in a staccato burst of academic firepower are three final exams next week. This semester has not been overly kind to me, and I will show no mercy.
Thursday, December 07, 2006
It Is Finished - Almost
Posted by
5:01 PM
Best of luck.
Finals week for me is next week . . . then nearly a full month off till the spring. It'll be nice to remind myself what my wife looks like.
Nice work. I pray that God sustains you through the finish line.
Nice. I think I understand the "persevering to the end" language of Revelation better after attending Seminary.
In a week it will all be over (except for the shouting). Thanks for the kind wishes. Over the weekend I'll need to snuggle up with my Greek's taking considerable self-control for me to keep my thoughts from straying to my Christmas break reading list. (Oops, there I go again.)
I can only imagine. I'm only at junior college and I think these finals may kill me, or at least leave me maimed for life.
I feel you, Ariel. Three finals and one big paper. Things are going to get rather bloody so far as I am concerned.
There's nothing for it but to balance the chip on the shoulder and plow forward. Give no quarter.
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