I finally got around to working up a new header graphic. How's it look?
Culture, photos, life's nagging questions. Books, coffee, spirituality. With trashtalk thrown in absolutely free.
I finally got around to working up a new header graphic. How's it look?
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4:20 PM
Very street, Ariel.
I dig it.
Works for me. :)
What is that saying? If you can't say something good... ;)
I like it.
Is that spraypainting some of Aidan's handy work, since, you know, he was flashing gang signs in a previous photo?
Now you just need to update your template colors to work with the new logo.
I don't really...get it. Maybe that's the point, though. ;-)
The orange is very ... intense. It does, however, coordinate with the Blogger orange buttons/tabs, which is good. Did you just put filters on solid color backgrounds, or did the light blue side use to be a photograph of something?
Thanks for the comments - I think I'll probably keep playing around with it, but getting a little feedback helps with the test drive. Lindsay says, "it doesn't communicate 'bittersweet.'" Hmmm.
Did you just put filters on solid color backgrounds, or did the light blue side use to be a photograph of something?
The orange is a basic background filter with a few Photoshop adjustments, but the blue was a shot of sky and clouds, "posterized."
No bitter, only sweetness.
I do agree with the previous comment about changing the colors to match it though. Particularly the header link color.
I'm wondering if I'm seeing what you're seeing, especially if you're using Internet Explorer. In Firefox, the header text shows up as white/gray...so the difference isn't very pronounced. How's it look to you?
Thanks for mentioning it!
Wait, now I do get it! The left is a desert = bitterness, the right is mountains = sweetness!
Am I right? Am I right? :)
Wait, now I do get it! The left is a desert = bitterness, the right is mountains = sweetness!
Nice work, John. You picked up on the "symbolism" of my admittedly conceptual graphic. No doubt the realization was all the sweeter for having tarried. ;)
Thanks for the help, Douglas. I'm going to have to spend a little more time under the hood...
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