Photos for the New Year ~ BitterSweetLife

Sunday, December 31, 2006

Photos for the New Year

The Shortest of Photo Essays

I would like the new year to look like this (left).
Bright skies, the horizon clearly demarcated, potential obstacles obvious at a glance. And that completes the wishful thinking portion of this post.

In reality, this is more like it. 2006 was a tough year, and 2007, at this point, looks like a murky year. I know there will be challenges to face, decisions to be made, and marathons to run. It's just hard to see exactly what they will be... Will something exciting transpire? Or will I just keep holding the course?

I guess mist has a certain allure - or that's what I'm telling myself. Whatever I may think, I'm walking with a Guide who sees in the dark and holds history in his palm. A little inclement weather doesn't doesn't make him wince.

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Rolland Hookah Charcoal said...
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Culture. Photos. Life's nagging questions. - BitterSweetLife