Under the Gun ~ BitterSweetLife

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Under the Gun

My exams have me under the gun right now. Or so they think. Little do they know I'm about to pull a Jack Bauer, Jason Bourne, James Bond-type maneuver (ever noticed a pattern with the names of super-agents?). Turn the situation inside out. Give my exams a little surprise.

They'll never know what hit them.

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Anonymous said...

You're scaring me.

--John B.

AJ said...

Stop fighting it, John. Embrace your destiny.

Anonymous said...


Simply a rightful display of righteous zeal

Charles Churchill said...

Hey, did you guys hear about the town in Missouri that named a street after Jack Bauer? They had to rename it when they found out that everyone who walked across the street subsequently died in mysterious accidents. Apparently, no one crosses Jack Bauer and lives...

AJ said...

Simply a rightful display of righteous zeal

That's the idea. I wish I could really take a handgun to my exams, though. (Not to my school! To my exams!)

Hey, did you guys hear about the town in Missouri that named a street after Jack Bauer?...

Wow, I really have no response to that. [snicker]


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