This morning, I grabbed a cup of coffee with an old friend - Tim of Infinite Regression. Tim's originally from Kansas City, and he and his wife are in town for Thanksgiving. We exchanged snapshots of our current mental landscapes, discovered some common themes (such as a divine murkiness covering the future), and ended the morning with a wonderfully eclectic activity that nicely symbolizes our respective states in life - wandering through the shelves of a used bookstore.
What could be more random, and yet more purposeful and comforting, in a roundabout way, than rummaging through stacks of well-thumbed contemporary and antiquarian books? Walking through life is a little this way - God is up to something with each of us, but he takes his sweet time showing his hand. Instead, we get the picture in bits and pieces, a line here, a paragraph there, searching for God's will in unexpected places. We turn a corner and understand a new piece of the mystery. We get our marching orders one stanza at a time.
Friday, November 24, 2006
God's Roundabout Plans for Your Life
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1:52 PM
In my ongoing effort to draw attention to myself and my blog and to destroy Ariel Vanderhorst and his dark minions once and for all (I shall rule the Black Tower again one day Vanderhorst...) I've put a new post up over at The Preacher that runs along the lines of thinking about the deterministic nature of God's will. Any thoughts on it, or the eventual destruction of all things Vanderhorst would be appreciated.
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