Salvo: A Christian Culture Mag with Backbone
Relevant, step aside. Check out the mission statement from newly-formed Salvo Magazine: Blasting holes in scientific naturalism, marveling at the intricate design of the universe, and promoting life in a culture of death.
Critiquing art, music, film, television, and literature, interrupting mass media influence, and questioning the sanity of our consumerist lifestyle.
Countering destructive ideologies, replacing revisionist fictions with undeniable facts, and paring away political correctness.
Debunking the cultural myths that have undercut human dignity, all but destroyed the notions of virtue and morality, and slowly eroded our appetite for transcendence.
Recovering the one worldview that actually works.
WOW. Did they say "critiquing" art? (As opposed to fawning over every artist who agrees to pose for a cover photo...) And they're going to "question" consumerist culture instead of diving in? Finally, a mag that gets culture and isn't afraid of a fight. I wonder if they're looking for writers...
Thursday, November 02, 2006
Get Salvo Magazine
Posted by
10:47 AM
I will have to check out Salvo. As a past subscriber to Relevant, it did become ridiculous that every "critique" really was not a critique at all, but rather a passive assent to whatever the subject matter of the article proposed, sold or believed. It also is becoming way too materially-oriented for me.
Thanks for the heads up.
Sounds promising, though they certainly have their work cut out from them; vision statements such as that require a lot to back them up.
If I were them I would either re-word or do away with the following:
Blasting holes in scientific naturalism.
replacing revisionist fictions with undeniable facts.
If they choose to actually pursue such paths I expect so see some PHD's in history and science writing for the mag...
Thanks for the tip. I subscribed and look forward to digging in.
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