Scattered Thoughts ~ BitterSweetLife

Tuesday, October 05, 2004

Scattered Thoughts

Cameo by Lindsay.

Sometimes I wake up and think Today I will write the definitive short story that will launch my writing career. Then I roll out of bed, grab my coffee, drive to school, soak up my classes, read my 4-5 assigned texts for the day, pick my wife up from work, engage her in congenial conversation, arrive home, hit the books, write an assigned essay, and realize... I guess this won't be the day.

A little bombshell fell at school today. Two of my classes are with the same professor, and this morning he posted grades-to-date. Upon scanning the listings, my cheerful nonchalance turned to bafflement. And for good reason. Upon interrogation, my professor blithely confirmed that 95% is the cutoff point for "A" work in his classes. Oh.

All of which goes to say, now I'll really have to kick it. Have the days of carefree blogging come to and end? Only time will tell.

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Anonymous said...

"pick up my wife from work, engage her in congenial conversation"...?? Who engages who, my dear? As I recall, I'm often the one engaging you (how was your day? What did your profs teach?, etc.)I just don't want your blog to lose its fresh, honest reality ;)

Your Engaging Wife

AJ said...

I had a feeling you'd feel compelled to say something about that. *sigh* (mumbling: "how did she know?...never safe...not even on my own blog...")


Culture. Photos. Life's nagging questions. - BitterSweetLife