Interwoven ~ BitterSweetLife

Tuesday, October 12, 2004


Seems like I haven't posted a poem for awhile. Consider how the demands of ultimate reality persistently encroach upon the pragmatic science of "real life."

Once I left the city and I left the streets
and I found a crystal river lined with soaring trees.
I swam in the current and my soul was soaked
when a sudden light came nearer and I awoke.

Now I know that I’ve been dreaming,
I've awakened from my sleep,
but now I am amazed
at the pictures that I keep
before my face
without a trace
of hazy sleep.

I am awake
I am awake
I just can’t make
the pictures fade.

© 2004 Ariel Vanderhorst

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Culture. Photos. Life's nagging questions. - BitterSweetLife