Amazon Out, BlogExplosion In ~ BitterSweetLife

Saturday, October 16, 2004

Amazon Out, BlogExplosion In

Blogkeeping Notes

Just a few items of business. Those of you who have been around awhile will have noticed the various Amazon ads on this page. As of this post, those ads, with the possible exception of "recommendations" links, are a thing of the past. You people weren't getting much benefit from them and neither was I. Now they’re gone, hopefully to be replaced by more legit content.

A recent development in the blogosphere has been BlogExplosion, a well-conceived system for increasing one's site traffic. Judging from my escalating site traffic since I've signed up, the BlogExplosion concept can be considered a success, at least in one respect: It does generate more traffic. The jury is still out concerning the quality of the traffic, though.

Ultimately, BlogExplosion may bring a lot of one-click-and-done visitors to your site, people who have no genuine interest in hanging around. Then again, maybe you'll get lucky, and connect with bloggers who love your writing and think you're fascinating. That would be a "best case" scenario, however. If you're thinking of signing up (which I recommend, it can't hurt ya) here's a link: BlogExplosion.

In any case, the service is free, and the concept is essentially sound. Will it bring an audience to your blog that will stick around over the long haul? Only time will tell. But the added exposure can't hurt, and blogs with consistently fascinating content will probably come out ahead.

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. : A : . said...

I have managed to get a fair amount of quality visitors via this route, but the ratio of that to the single click visitors is not very encouraging. I guess there are a lot of people who just wait for the 30 secs to get over, to click and move on to the next credit that will generate their traffic.

Anonymous said...

well blogexplosion worked for me - you did submit your site didnt you :)



Peter said...

Same here. I've actually gotten just one comment that's possibly from Blogexplosion. I'm actually not even sure that it is from Blogexplosion. But bloggers, head on over!

Matt said...

I got a lot of right-wing bloggers visiting from Blog Explosion, who told me I was very wrong about my prediction for a Kerry landslide. I think it's a way to find blogs you might not find otherwise, but no guarantee that anyone will hang around for more than 30 seconds.

GreekGoddess said...

and that's how I ended up here :) From blog explosion and I'm glad I did. Really nice blog. I "blogmarked" you as the new terms says..hehe


Culture. Photos. Life's nagging questions. - BitterSweetLife