Note To Self ~ BitterSweetLife

Sunday, October 10, 2004

Note To Self

Re: Sunday ("...and on the seventh day...")

I’m thinking I want to look deeper into this “day of rest” concept. My weekly need for rejuvenation is undeniable. Today was somewhat restful, but not extremely. I took a quasi-nap for about 20 minutes. (Translation: I lay on our futon and fantasized about taking a nap.) I played a leisurely game of scrabble with Lindsay, winning by a mere 3 points. And I spent a good 30-40 minutes reading my Bible with a cup of coffee. All these pastimes were soporific, but the day was not without its drudgery and unnerving moments.

One of the latter came when Lindsay openly defied my authority as head of the household, foraging through my walk-in closet for a bag of Caramellos™ she knew I had stuffed in there months ago. When I caught her, it was already too late; the process of chocolate inhalation had begun, and I was forced to keep pace or lose all say in the matter. But as I was saying… a “day of rest.” This is an idea that certainly needs to be explored.

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Rick said...

"day of rest" - for me, it's usually 24 hrs scattered somewhere throughout the week. an hour or two monday night after the kids go to bed, maybe a few hours saturday morning, another extra hour after midnight friday - best i can do to find that much "rest time".

i feel your pain about the caramellos. that's just wrong.

Anonymous said...

Hi AJ,

If you want to find meaning in the "day of rest" concept, I recommend the book, The Sabbath, by Abraham Joshua Heschel.

Anonymous said...

i think, lindsay had every right to eat the chocolate, she's a hard working women and deserves the tinyist bit of enjoyment on her day of rest, chocolate heals the soul, let the child have her chocolate!!!!!!!!!!

AJ said...

Heh heh. I wonder why that last comment was anonymous. ;)

Ninjanun said...

So how did she defy your authority by eating your caramellos? Did you explicitly tell her she could not eat them? And would it be okay for you to eat something of hers that she had hidden away? And why is it an authority issue? Why not a "two become one flesh" issue, in which case, what's yours is hers, and what's hers is yours, and in a sense, you partook of the caramellos as well. ;)

AJ said...

Thanks for the suggestions, Rick, Bagel. And you too ninjnun (I guess)...I was just waiting for a female theologian to wade into the discussion. ;) I repent!


Culture. Photos. Life's nagging questions. - BitterSweetLife