Diary of a Country Priest - George Bernanos, A ~ BitterSweetLife

Monday, October 11, 2004

Diary of a Country Priest - George Bernanos, A

A Flash Review: Genuine, Wistful Religion

The Diary of a Country Priest - George Bernanos, A

It doesn’t sound like a blockbuster (and it doesn’t read like a screen play), but what a breath of fresh air. Originally published in French, this book is a psychological masterpiece, and classic enough to survive translation. It brought to mind the flavor of Dostoevsky’s Brothers Karamozov, or the lucid, disarming self-awareness of Montaigne…but published originally in 1937.

In the words of The New York Times Book Review, “It is a strange and sad, yet a beautiful and compelling story.” Bittersweet indeed. A modern masterpiece. (And I’m not Catholic.) If you do consider reading this book, which you should, be prepared for somewhat challenging dialogue. (There are some passages you’ll need to read twice.)

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