A BitterSweet Manifesto::1 ~ BitterSweetLife

Thursday, October 07, 2004

A BitterSweet Manifesto::1

Walking the Talk

I talk a lot about life's BitterSweetness, but mostly in terms of allusion. I say, "Time has a bittersweet quality," or "Guess how sorrow and joy converged today?" But if BitterSweetness is as inescapable as I make it out to be, shouldn't we be proactive? I mean, wouldn't this phenomenon have implications for living—not merely referential, but operative? I think it would.

Here are a few thoughts to get us started, some guidelines for the BitterSweet life. But to avoid overwhelming the blog with a 24-point outline, I'll be posting my thoughts one "article" at a time. So pull on your battered thinking caps and precede at your leisure. Here's the first:

::1: Ask hard questions of life.
And sooner rather than later. Ingrained in the bittersweet ethos is an impulse to account for both good and evil, darkness and light. There's no use in barricading ourselves off from apparent mysteries, paradoxes, puzzles or contradictions—often, the heart of bittersweetness lies in such places. So be an persistent interrogator on every consequential front. Consider, for example, spirituality (Is the soul eternal?), ethics (What is the morality of cloning?), and, inevitably, personal decisions (Should I break up with my boyfriend?).

Don't be naive about truth and consequences. We're in this game for more than laughs. Ultimately, realize that all questions—and answers—have spiritual ramifications, determined by how you answer—or ignore—life's first order questions. Who am I? Where am I from? Why am I here? As Einstein queried, "Is the world a friendly or unfriendly place?" These inquiries
refuse to remain shelved.

Update: Jump to "article 2."

If you're wondering why bittersweetness is a good thing, or if it's really a discernible phenomenon, I refer you to the "must read" posts on the sidebar.

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