I've been keeping an eye on The Search for awhile, and have linked a couple great culture posts, but now gomezeec has gone and written two in a row that deserve attention. First, he attempts to list the 20 "defining" movies of the '00s so far, and does an interesting, eclectic job. Here are some of his choices that I especially approve:
Lost in Translation (2003) - superbly acted
existential drama starring Bill Murray in a serious role.
Children of Men (2006) - the film adaptation of P.D. James' dystopia is life-affirming and brilliantly filmed.
Garden State (2004) - the essential "coming of age" (searching for meaning) film for the current generation, and it features a great soundtrack.

Napoleon Dynamite (2004) - small-town eccentricity frames a choppy, quirky search for significance that resonated with a lot of people.
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (2004) - ultimately, you could say this is a romance film, but with the help of a great script, Jim Carey and Kate Winslet, it takes a swing at the first order question, "Who am I?" (And how do our mistakes define us?)
Adaptation (2002) - Nicolas Cage plays himself and his brother (!) in this innovative, unsettling film that explores the way life and meaning emerge from death and disaster.

And now I've gone and talked about the first post so much that I'll have to merely mention the second one, an excellent review and commentary on the new Bob Dylan movie, I'm Not There. I'm already a Dylan fan, but now I'm even more interested in the film.
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