The Most Fulfilling Situation in Substitute Teaching ~ BitterSweetLife

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

The Most Fulfilling Situation in Substitute Teaching

I stand by the desk, collecting my things. Students enter the classroom, wander toward their seats.

"Hey Mr. V!"
"Hey, what's going on."
"Are you teaching us today?"
"Nope, I'm headed out."
"I'm sure you'll have a great class, though."

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MKuehler said...

Sounds like the kids like you. I never get that when I go to work as a substitute teacher.

AJ said...

Hey there MKuehler, I'm fortunate in that I get to sub a lot at the same high me the chance to build some rapport over time. Also I've been doing this for a few years - it definitely gets easier after awhile.

John said...

Aww, you're one of those cool subs that everybody wishes they had when their teacher was sick. That's awesome.

AJ said...

Funny, since I stopped caring so much about being "the cool sub," my cool factor has risen exponentially...there's a lesson in that. ;)


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